Creative connections.
Food for the soul.

Blues and Greens is a platform created for artists to connect with supportive businesses and resources in food, nature, hospitality, community leadership and more.

Our network of performers, artists, venues, restaurants, and hosts holds shared principles and the common cause of supporting artists as vital members of a thriving community.

Right now, we are planting the seeds of our community.

Connect with us below and be the first to know about Blues and Greens growth.


Take part. Get in touch.

Blues and Greens is developing new opportunities for performing artists to connect with the communities they visit.

We’re building a network of hospitality and creativity for artists, chefs, restauranteurs, hosts, and community leaders.

Sound like something you want to be a part of?

Tell us a bit about yourself and get updates on our progress.


Make a donation.

We are gratefully accepting donations as we get under way